Friday 16 March 2012

8 Weeks of Hell

You may recall the period when Cot Deaths (SIDS) seemed to be making the news on a regular basis in the UK. News celebrity Anne Diamond became a champion for changes in how babies were managed as a result.

It was during this time that I and my regular crewmate had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. In a period of approximately eight weeks we were called upon to deal with the deaths of 5 infants and a toddler all in the East End of London and surrounding areas. We began to feel that we were in some way jinxed and I almost developed a complex because of it. I don't know how but I think I have survived the mental trauma. Were we offered support - of course not! We had to pick ourselves up and go to the next call.

It is not something that I would wish upon my worst enemies. Every case was final and resuscitation although carried out was futile and we knew it! It is not only the sadness that afflicts you but the helplessness in being unable to make a difference. But the worst thing was being directly confronted with the mothers and their unbearable grief. They were inconsolable and the scenarios were always fraught and difficult.

I seem to recall that four of these children were found in the morning by their mums, pale or blue and sometimes mottled. I cannot imagine the pain of the mother on discovering there precious child in this way. The toddler was a different case he had managed to trap his head in banisters and was found hanging. He had been there too long and it was a hopeless cause.

The sixth baby was altogether a different case. Mum had been concerned for her baby for some days and had made a number of visits to the GP. It would seem that the doctor had not been overly concerned, as on every occasion mum and baby were sent home. When I arrived the baby was in cardiac arrest. Mum was absolutely beside herself. The babies abdomen was grossly distended and as hard as a drum. I could not believe that this baby had not been referred to hospital at an earlier time. I didn't show mum, but I cried, it was incredulous!

These and other experiences have altered my views of Doctors who some believe are Gods. And I always pay heed to what mothers have to say about their children even those that are possibly being overly protective.

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